Gentle Sleep Shaping (4 - 6 months)

Babies make huge developmental leaps at this age, frequently accompanied by upheavals in established sleep patterns. It can be a challenging time for families, particularly as many mothers return to work or are preparing to do so. Babies in this age range vary substantially in their ability to sleep for longer stretches without a feeding. Some are ready for their parents to start taking gentle steps to encourage longer stretches, while others aren’t. In either case, families can begin gently sleep shaping and fostering good sleep habits.
Consultations for this age group focus on helping parents develop longer term sleep goals and planning a series of gentle steps in that direction, taking careful account of the baby’s age, developmental stage and the family’s emotional readiness for sleep shaping. We proceed in steps, implementing sleep basics and moving towards age-appropriate sleep practices, establishing soothing sleep routines and a more consistent rhythm to the baby’s day. For babies who are ready and have their doctor’s approval, we begin gentle techniques to encourage longer stretches of sleep at night and possibly for naps, depending on the situation.
Gentle Sleep Shaping is designed to be slow and incremental and therefore takes time. This package includes a 2.5 hour initial consultation followed by a series of follow-up phone calls, typically spread out over 4–8 weeks. It includes up to 3 hours of follow-up time. $549
Additional follow-up time is available as needed, charged at $120/hr.
For more information or to book a consultation, please contact me.
Consultations for this age group focus on helping parents develop longer term sleep goals and planning a series of gentle steps in that direction, taking careful account of the baby’s age, developmental stage and the family’s emotional readiness for sleep shaping. We proceed in steps, implementing sleep basics and moving towards age-appropriate sleep practices, establishing soothing sleep routines and a more consistent rhythm to the baby’s day. For babies who are ready and have their doctor’s approval, we begin gentle techniques to encourage longer stretches of sleep at night and possibly for naps, depending on the situation.
Gentle Sleep Shaping is designed to be slow and incremental and therefore takes time. This package includes a 2.5 hour initial consultation followed by a series of follow-up phone calls, typically spread out over 4–8 weeks. It includes up to 3 hours of follow-up time. $549
Additional follow-up time is available as needed, charged at $120/hr.
For more information or to book a consultation, please contact me.